Community Healing Centers Carol’s Hope is an outpatient behavioral health treatment center specializing in both substance abuse and mental health. We serve the city of St. Joseph and its surrounding areas by offering a range of treatment programs that focus on engaging individuals and their families in prevention, treatment, and recovery.
Adults age 18 and older.
By appointment.
For more information or to book an appointment, please contact us at (269) 556-1526.
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
IOP is designed to help individuals focus their time and energy on their sobriety, address early recovery issues and gain support as they begin their journey through providing education, accountability, structure, and support.
Outpatient Services, Individual and Group Setting
Upon completion of IOP, clients will be referred for individual and group services. These services are meant for clients who have recently completed the Intensive Program, or who initially present with need for a lower level of care. Clients continue with their individual sessions while they participate in this group.