This program is designed to help women with substance use disorders in Kalamazoo County. It is designed to address the needs of women who are pregnant or have children under the age of 18 and who are currently uninsured or receive Medicaid. Based on the philosophy that connecting with other women gives attendees the ability to discover themselves, the weekly AWARE (Active Women Advocating and Reaching for Empowerment) group encourages mutual peer support as we discuss a range of topics as they relate specifically to women. The services we provide for this program include individual case management, AWARE support group, links to community resources, transportation, childcare, and advocacy for those who have open Children’s Protective Services cases.
Pregnant and parenting women age 18+. Women who are pregnant and using substances are priority. We offer immediate referral for treatment if needed.
Women Are Admitted by Referral
View our referral form.
For Referral Form Submission:
Email Bridget Buell at or
Fax: 269-382-7078
This program is designed to help pregnant and parenting women with substance use disorders achieve sobriety. Our goal is to reduce any barriers that may hinder their recovery efforts and to ensure that babies are born free from drug and alcohol exposure.