At Community Healing Centers, we are committed to transparency. We strive to provide the people we serve, their families, and the surrounding community with the information they need to understand our mission. To learn more about our financials, we encourage you to view our annual report, which details the allocation of all of the donations that we receive. If you are interested in supporting our mission, please reach out to us via our contact page or, if you prefer, visit our donation page.


Community Healing Centers is licensed by the State of Michigan for its Addiction Treatment and Prevention services and is accredited by CARF for its Outpatient Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Mental Health Treatment, Detoxification, Residential Treatment and Youth and Children’s Service Programs. CARF is an independent, not-for-profit accrediting body that establishes consumer-focused standards to help organizations measure and improve the quality of their programs and services. Our Children’s Advocacy Center is accredited by the National Children’s Alliance.