Family and Friends is a weekly meeting that helps family and friends concerned about a loved one’s alcohol and/or drug use learn about addiction and addiction treatment. It can help to answer questions such as: How do you know when someone is really addicted? Did I do something to cause this? Why do they keep using when it hurts them and me? What can I do to help? Is there hope for recovery? What can I do for myself and our family to feel better? Research-based information is given through educational presentations, handouts, and video materials. Meetings are facilitated by experienced and certified substance abuse prevention or treatment professionals.


Family members & friends concerned about a loved one’s alcohol and/or drug use.


At this time we are not hosting Family and Friends Meetings. Please check back for updates. 

If you have questions that you would like answered immediately please call 269-382-9820.


Family and Friends is a weekly meeting for individuals concerned about their loved one’s alcohol and/or drug use. The program is an opportunity to access resources, ask questions, and express concerns.


We will post a link when Family & Friends returns.

A support group of men and women high five each other in the middle of their chair circle.